MED0001204528 - This website contains imagery which is only suitable for audiences 18+. All surgery contains risks, Read more here.

There are many reasons patients undergo hand surgery, such as hand trauma, disorders, and defects that were present from birth. Surgery can help restore the hand to normal function and help patients gain more comfort and freedom of movement.

In order to improve the hand structure and function, surgeons tailor hand procedures to the patient and their needs. Dr Jeremy Richardson will work with you to outline a surgical plan that best serves your needs and intentions for surgery.

What is Hand Surgery?

Hand surgery refers to several procedures that aim to correct structural problems in the hand, whether due to injury, disorders, or birth defects. Surgical methods are different for every patient but typically involve either removing, restructuring, or repairing impacted tissue. This can include the nerves, tendons, muscles, blood vessels, and skin. There are several approaches to hand surgery, depending on which issues are being addressed. These approaches are generally divided into two categories:

Surgery to correct nerve issues and restricted movement:

This can include conditions such as:

  • Arthritis
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Trigger finger
  • Dupuytren’s disease

Surgery to address hand trauma caused by injury:

This can include:

  • Cuts
  • Burns
  • Amputations
  • Other injuries

The goal of hand surgery is to repair the hand and help make day-to-day tasks easier. Based on your hand condition, Dr Richardson will work with you to develop a surgical treatment plan that suits your needs.

What to Expect During Your Consultation

In order to begin planning treatment, we will need to have a private discussion with you to discuss your condition. We will speak about your medical history, your current hand condition, as well as your reasons for seeking hand surgery. Once we have identified you as a good candidate, we can begin going through your options and outlining an approach to surgery.

Dr Richardson will explain your surgery in-depth and give you the opportunity to ask further questions about the procedure. He will also give you advice on how to prepare and what to expect during the recovery process.

The Procedure

The type of surgery you undergo will depend on the condition of your hand/s and the cause of the problem. Dr Richardson will operate based on the factors discussed in your initial meeting. Common surgeries can include:

Surgery for Dupuytren’s contracture:
Dupuytren’s contracture is the abnormal thickening of tissue beneath the skin, either at the base of the fingers or the palm of the hand. The condition can impair movement and have a large impact on a person’s daily life. Surgical treatment involves making an incision in your hand and removing the thickened tissue.

Carpal tunnel release:
Carpal tunnel syndrome is a condition that occurs when there is too much pressure on the median nerve (large nerve in the wrist). As a result, pain, numbness, tingling, and sometimes loss of hand function can occur. Surgery involves a small incision in the wrist. Dr Richardson will cut the carpal ligament in order to release pressure from the nerve.

Surgery for hand trauma:
Surgery may be required for some types of hand trauma, such as severe burns, cuts, or skin loss. It can involve different methods depending on the case, such as skin grafts, skin flaps, tendon repair, nerve repair, or joint replacement.

Cost of Hand Surgery

Given that there are many reasons for hand surgery, every procedure may look a little different. This means we will need to discuss your personal needs in order to outline the fees for your procedure. Fees can depend on the details of your surgery, your anaesthesia, aftercare, as well as hospital costs.

Since many surgeries are required for medical reasons, some patients may be able to claim rebates towards their hand surgery. We can discuss this further and answer any questions during your first appointment with us.

Your Personal Consultation

Request a Consultation

Your personal consultation is the first step to finding the right procedure for you. Dr Jeremy Richardson is a highly skilled Specialist Plastic Surgeon, dedicated to providing quality results and a positive patient experience.

Book your appointment to
  • Discuss your physical concerns and goals
  • Receive an outline of your surgical options
  • Get quality advice from a Specialist Plastic Surgeon
  • Receive a customised treatment plan
  • Meet Dr Richardson’s Patient Coordinator and team who will support you through your journey


Dr Richardson will advise on the best steps to take in order to optimise your recovery. Since the hand is a sensitive part of the body, it is important that you follow the instructions and restrict your movement to allow your hand to heal. For example, you may also need to:

  • Wear a splint to help restrict movement
  • Drink lots of water
  • Keep a healthy diet
  • Avoid smoking and alcohol
  • Take care of your incisions
  • Contact us if any issues arise

Your hand may be sore after surgery, but we can help you manage any pain with oral medication. Depending on your condition, Dr Richardson may advise a course of hand therapy which can include things such as massage, heat therapy, as well as hand exercises. Although your recovery timeline depends on the details of your procedure, patients can generally expect:

  • Some pain and discomfort in the days after surgery
  • Your skin should heal in two to three weeks
  • In the case of tendon repair, recovery can take up to 12 weeks
  • Resume lifting and exercise once you have fully recovered, as advised by Dr Richardson
  • Return to full hand mobility may take up to six months

Risks and Complications

All surgery comes with risks. Therefore, before you pursue hand surgery, it is worthwhile to research both the risks and benefits, as this will help you be fully informed. Risks of hand surgery can include:

  • Lasting scars
  • Ongoing pain or swelling
  • Bleeding
  • Infection
  • Reactions to anaesthesia
  • Loss of feeling or movement in the hand
  • Further surgery to address issues

Hand Surgery FAQ

Can I have surgery on both hands at the same time?

How can I prepare?

How long does recovery take?

What do I need to know when preparing for surgery?