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If you are struggling with excess fat despite a healthy diet and exercise routine, liposuction may be an ideal treatment option.

Liposuction is one of the most common body contouring procedures. Suitable for both men and women, it aims to remove fat tissue from the body in order to help patients achieve a leaner and more defined physique. The procedure is often combined with other cosmetic surgeries to optimise results. Dr Jeremy Richardson will discuss your requirements with you to help you decide on a treatment option that best suits your body and goals.

What is Liposuction?

Liposuction is a cosmetic surgical procedure that removes excess subcutaneous fat deposits from the body.

Many people struggle with excess fat deposits that are difficult to get rid of through simple diet and exercise. This problem can also become more prevalent with age. Liposuction can reduce this unwanted fat tissue by suctioning the fat from the body through small incisions. Common treatment areas include the abdomen, hips, back, chin, arms, and legs. Depending on which areas you are seeking to address, the procedure can:

  • Slim specific areas of your body
  • Improve symmetry and body contours
  • Remove stubborn fat deposits
  • Help you reach your body goals and gain confidence

Patients who have this procedure can achieve a leaner and more sculpted physique and a greater sense of confidence in their outward image.

What to Expect During Your Consultation

Prior to your surgery, you will need to have an initial meeting with us to discuss your health and goals. We will discuss your medical history, aesthetic concerns, as well as what you hope to get out of your procedure. This will help clarify whether you are a good fit for liposuction and begin planning an approach to treatment.

Generally, good candidates are men or women who are concerned about fat deposits in certain areas of the body. The procedure is not a replacement for weight loss or a balanced lifestyle, but it is ideal for people who have pockets of fat that cannot be removed easily. As a result, patients should be at a stable and healthy weight before seeking a body contouring procedure. If you are unsure whether you are a good candidate, a discussion with Dr Richardson will help you make the right decision for your body.

The Procedure

Since every patient has different body goals and requirements, the procedure is slightly different for each person. It involves a general anaesthetic. You can expect it to take one to two hours, but this can also vary depending on the extent of surgery as well as whether you are combining the procedure with another surgery.

During your procedure, Dr Richardson will target your areas of concern, commonly the arms, thighs, hips, stomach, back, and neck. He will make small incisions and insert a cannula. The purpose of the cannula is to break up the fat tissue so that it is easier to remove. A specialised suction device will then suck the fat from the body, leaving you with a smoother and leaner shape. Finally, Dr Richardson will close your incisions and apply dressings to the area.

Cost of Liposuction

Given that every patient has different needs and goals, fees can vary widely. The total fee for your procedure will be based on a number of factors, such as hospital fees, anaesthesia, and aftercare. It will also depend on which areas are being addressed as well as how much fat tissue is being removed. Dr Richardson will answer your questions during your consult, which will give you a better idea of how much the surgery will cost overall.

Your Personal Consultation

Request a Consultation

Your personal consultation is the first step to finding the right procedure for you. Dr Jeremy Richardson is a highly skilled Specialist Plastic Surgeon, dedicated to providing quality results and a positive patient experience.

Book your appointment to
  • Discuss your physical concerns and goals
  • Receive an outline of your surgical options
  • Get quality advice from a Specialist Plastic Surgeon
  • Receive a customised treatment plan
  • Meet Dr Richardson’s Patient Coordinator and team who will support you through your journey


After having liposuction, it is normal to have some discomfort, pain, and swelling. Your treatment areas may also have some bruising and tenderness. These are normal effects of surgery and should heal over time, provided that you take the proper care of your body. Before you go home, Dr Richardson will instruct you on how to help your body through the healing process. This may include advice such as:

  • Take prescribed medication and wear your support garments
  • Avoid smoking, since this can increase your risks
  • Reduce your activity levels and take time off work
  • Avoid putting pressure on your treatment areas

Depending on your treatment areas, most patients can expect the following during their recovery:

  • Mild pain, swelling, and bruising for the first few days
  • Return to work after one to two weeks
  • Return to exercise and strenuous activities after six to eight weeks
  • Swelling should fully subside after about three months

Risks and Complications

Every procedure comes with some amount of risk, and liposuction is no exception. If you are thinking about having a body contouring procedure, you should be aware of both the risks and benefits. Risks of liposuction can include:

  • Ongoing pain and swelling
  • Slow or poor healing
  • Infection
  • Uneven skin surface
  • Scarring
  • Damage to underlying tissues
  • Unwanted results

Patients should follow Dr Richardson’s instructions in order to reduce their risks and promote a good end result.

Liposuction FAQ

How long will it take to see results?

When can I go back to work?

When can I resume exercising?

What do I need to know when preparing for surgery?